Resources for Tree Planting
Here are a number of sources to help with planning or establishing plantings to support honey bees.
Trees on Farms guides - covers a range of aspects of selection, establishment and care of trees on farms, focuses on the Waikato. This is split into two pdfs to view - section one and section two.
NZ Honey producing flowers, definitive list of plants that are important to bees
Trees for bees - regional guides on trees you can plant that will provide pollen and nectar for bees​
Bee Plant Flowering Times in New Zealand - a list based on selected plants visited by honey bees from Landcare Trees for Bees research
Protein content in pollen from bee plants in New Zealand - results from the Trees for Bees Trust
Riparian planting guide - how to incorporate bee forage into riparian & farm planting from the Trees for Bees Trust
Growing Native Plants in Nelson - covers a range of native plant lists for different ecosystems. These lists are relevant to other parts of New Zealand
New Zealand Native Plants for Erosion Control - provides a list of native trees, shrubs and grasses to plant in an eroding area
Manuka Planting, Field-day article from Bill Savage's Gisborne project
Animal pest control - this guide outlines ways to manage and repel animals

Resources on planting for your home garden
Beneficial Plants for bees - a list of a some beneficial plants for bees in your home garden
Best plants for Bees - a list by Jane Wrigglesworth for
Planting a bee friendly garden - a list of plants for bees grouped by season

Resources on specific trees
Flowering periods for Eucalyptus varieties suitable for honey bee pollen or nectar
Presentation on ground-durable Eucalyptus and their potential to benefit bees by Paul Millen to Trees for Bees Conference Eastwood Hill, Gisborne, May 2014 (particularly applicable to NZ from 10:47)
Other uses of Eucalypts from NZ Farm Forestry Assoc (Milligan, Nicholas, Iriate)

​Paulownia Handbook - from the Forest Research Bulletin No. 231 (Barton, Nicholas, Ecroyd)
The Block of many businesses - growing Paulownia on a small block, NZ Lifestyle Block Feb 2019

Willow pollen for Spring Vigour - an article by HortResearch showing the importance of willow pollen to bees